Why QA?

A large number of software products are developed by IT development companies around the world. Still, these won’t last long if they are not examined under intensive Quality Assurance and Software Testing parameters.

Our years of intense practice and dedication have made us experts and reputed not only in India but offshore as well. Our team of in-house testers performs comprehensive testing and quality check for both internal products (developed within the premises) as well as outsourced products (developed in other companies but are tested at NiviData).

No products are delivered until and unless our quality assurance team rigorously tests and verifies them. We offer both Manual Quality Assurance and Automated Quality Assurance to meet all testing requirements and standards. We make sure to deliver you a secure product that can adequately meet high-demand.

  • Unit Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Pen Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Beta/Acceptance Testing

Meet Our Experts

Hitesh Bheda

From an idea to a full-scale product that customers are proud of, Hitesh knows what's going to work best for your brand / company using leading technologies.