Android App Development

Android is an open-source mobile operating system designed for touchscreen-enabled smartphones or tablets.

Technologies like Dagger, Rx, Room Database, Jetpack, Livedata, Restful API, GraphQL API’s are used for Android App Development at NiviData. We follow design patterns like MVP, MVVM, and Reactive pattern with RxJava/RxKotlin. In fact, we adapted with Kotlin as soon as Google announced it as the primary language for Android. We offer functionalities like material design, payment gateway integrations, deep linking, push notification, testing, and debugging with Firebase.

We believe in delivering high-end apps from any niche for any device which supports Android Operating Systems. Our energetic mobile team can flawlessly mold your requirements in sustainable mobile applications.

iOS App Development

iOS is the Apple-based mobile operating system designed for Apple-based mobile devices like iPhones and iPads.

NiviData is a hardcore iOS App developer. We strictly obey iOS design standards mentioned in Apple Human Interface Guidelines. We use design patterns like MVVP and VIPER; for development, we use Reactive programming; for database, Coredata/ Realm is used, and for multi-tasking, we use Great Central Dispatch(GCD). We had also performed a migration from Objective C to SWIFT Programming for a large number of projects. Our team is creative enough to design different layouts for iPhone/iPad. To add more to our merits, we have contributed to library development in SWIFT, have used CI/CD tools like Fastlane and Travis, Github actions, Firebase tools for authentication, crash reports, live streaming, firebase storage, and cloud functions. We have also worked on In-App messaging for iOS devices.

Our comprehensive experience with iOS-based technologies can be a one-stop solution for your iOS App development based requirement.

React Native App Development

Facebook’s React Native is a framework designed for cross-platform development. It offers native UI/UX experience on both Android and iOS platforms. Moreover, it has a large community to support developers around the world.

React Native is a simple javascript based framework. Due to its simplicity, the app development in React Native is less time consuming and effortless. We use packages like a Native-based UI framework for rapid development, Redux for State management, and Flipper for Native App Debugging. React Native has also enabled code sharing and eased the access to the core library, making the development process faster. Our diligent team of developers is an expert in creating high-end App suitable to all types of businesses.

If you want a single codebase App that can run on multiple platforms and in a short time, we offer you a high performing and flexible React Native App to meet all your needs.

Flutter App Development

Flutter is an open-source SDK developed by Google, used to build cross-platform mobile applications. It offers faster performance as compared to other frameworks like React Native, IONIC, Native Script, etc. The Dart language, used for Flutter App development, is easy to understand. The technology offers more substantial CI/CD support. It also supports Reactive design patterns, Rich widgets, Animation libraries.

Our Flutter App development team delivers uniform UI/UX experience in both Android and iOS platforms. We have our own rendering engine, and we also make extensive use of packages like Bloc, Providers, Rx Dart, etc. Networking and Extended image loading are a few more features we primarily focus on. We specialize in programming adaptive screen sizes for different Android and iOS support. Our expert team has good experience in delivering unique products using a well-planned App development structure. We assure a high-end Flutter App compatible with both Android and iOS platforms.

Cross-platform Development

Gone are the days when you have to develop the same App for multiple platforms separately. All thanks to Cross-platform development. Be it Android or iOS or even desktop, the same App can now work everywhere.

Our Cross-platform development team is an expert in developing “Single-code-works-for-all” types of Apps that can run flawlessly on multiple platforms. We use world-class technologies like IONIC, HTML5, and Phonegap for development. We start with rendering HTML via Responsive UI in native App and then bundling HTML and Javascript into APK / IPA to leverage rich web-view for both Android and iOS App. We offer ES6 modules support as well. Moreover, we are also good with SAAS Structure, designed to provide better reliability and rich UI components.

Do you have a Cross-Platform App idea? We are here to create scalable, secure, top-quality, cost-effective, and highly-interactive Apps for you.

  • Phonegap
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Apple TV App Development

Apple TV is another revolutionary product by Apple that has combined both micro-console and digital media player designed to enhance your "entertainment" experience. It is built on the Apple tvOS platform.

We have advanced in making App for Apple TV. These Apps should be highly interactive and customized with user-friendly UI to enhance the user experience, and our Apple TV App Development team excel in offering these. We are experienced in React Native for Apple TV App development. We also have hands-on experience in integrating In-App purchases, which has resulted in maximizing conversion rate for businesses. Also, the streaming platform designed at NiviData has offered a seamless user experience for our clients. We religiously follow Apple development guidelines for tvOS. We are open to adopt any advanced technology useful for Apple TV Apps development that can generate high-end products for you.

  • XCode
  • Swift
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Meet Our Experts

Jay Savsani

From an idea to a full-scale product that customers are proud of, Jay knows what's going to work best for your brand / company using leading technologies.