The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a boon for rapidly increasing online learners. Not only the educational institutes but nowadays even companies are coming up with their own online courses.

We have a highly talented and professional team working particularly for MOOC development. We use the Open edX Framework to implement MOOCs. The architecture and customization are incredibly complex in Open edX, but we are efficient and mature in handling it smoothly. The MOOC based applications are designed in two parts.

  • Learning Management System:
  • This module gives a seamless learning experience to learners.

  • Content Management System:
  • This module allows course owners to manage their courses.

If you wish to empower great learners with an extraordinary learning experience, NiviData can be your first choice.

Meet Our Experts

Hitesh Bheda

From an idea to a full-scale product that customers are proud of, Hitesh knows what's going to work best for your brand / company using leading technologies.