
DevOps and Cloud Services are bringing revolutionary changes in the field of Information Technology.

It has leveraged us with well-planned infrastructure, faster speed, smooth integration, reliable and scalable networks, security, and a high performing working environment, and we offer the same to our clients. We are a 100% cloud-based company with no physical software or servers at our company's premises. We are mainly using Amazon Web services (AWS), but we also have good experience in Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. A wide variety of services offered by Amazon has helped us deliver high-end cloud-enabled applications to both our enterprise-level as well as customer-level clients. For development, we assign dedicated DevOps Server per project, leveraging our clients with better privacy and reliability.

Our DevOps team actively practices Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), ensuring meeting of product requirements, improving coding practices, and offering better security. If your business needs a secure and reliable application, do consider us.

DevOps Services:

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Monitoring
  • Domain Registration
  • SSL Certificate Installation
  • Website Deployment

Cloud Services:

  • AWS services
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Azure
  • DigitalOcean
  • Heroku
  • Linode


Meet Our Experts

Hitesh Bheda

From an idea to a full-scale product that customers are proud of, Hitesh knows what's going to work best for your brand / company using leading technologies.